Antigua Tours by Elizabeth Bell

Antigua Tours LLC has specialized in Cultural Tourism in Guatemala since 1992. We offer personalized itineraries based on traveler’s needs and requests. We offer efficient travel throughout the country with new vehicles, licensed guides and great rates on hotels and airlines.

++502 7832-5821 | ++502 7832-2046 4a Calle Oriente #39 La Antigua Guatemala [email protected]

Antigua Tours Main Office – 5a Avenida Norte 4A inside Casa del Conde, Antigua Guatemala. | in**@an**********.net

Antigua’s Artists are Full of Color

Guatemala’s art galleries reflect vibrant colors of hundreds of contemporary talented artists. Each artist and each region reflect a world of meaning, color and imagination. Some of our favorite galleries in Antigua are La Antigua Galería de Arte, El Sitio, and Casa para las Artes where dozens of creative artists’ works are found showing their emotional power through a range of expression.

The list of extraordinary artists from Guatemala is quite long. Many inspired by Carlos Mérida, Efraín Recinos, and Roberto González Goyri, some more recent renown artists include David Ordoñez, Andrés Curruchich, Enrique Cay, and Paula Nicho Cumez just to name a few.
Joel Batz, from Olintepeque, recently won the German Embassy sponsored event for United Buddy Bears in Antigua. The topic was “Tolerance” and what could be more tolerant that his illustration of chicken buses in Guatemala! Public buses are privately owned and available for the public. Right when you feel no one else could possibly board, two more people and three chickens appear! The prize was a trip to Germany where Joel enjoyed visiting an array of museums. Back in Antigua, he continues to paint and work with his volunteer art program on Fridays at the near-by town of San Antonio Aguas Calientes inspiring new local artists and helping them to work on their techniques.

Antigua’s own Fabián Hernández’s works reflect on migration. Whether you are moving from one city or country to another, you take your culture with you looking for windows and doorways of opportunities. I love the hummingbirds that represent good luck. When one appears in your courtyard – quite common in Antigua – it is believed to be the spirit of a loved one announcing that he/she is fine. His works are also featured at Casa para las Artes – with more than 30 Guatemalan artists.

Enjoy Elizabeth Bell’s Cultural Walking Tour and meet the artists while we walk in and out of Antigua’s doorways and highlights of this remarkable city.

Elizabeth Bell, an expert in the cultural history of the UNESCO site of Antigua Guatemala, opened Antigua Tours in 1992 and loves touring participants around this magical city. Author of seven books, countless articles and award winning for her preservation efforts, Elizabeth brings to life special details through this blog.

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