Antigua Tours by Elizabeth Bell

Antigua Tours LLC has specialized in Cultural Tourism in Guatemala since 1992. We offer personalized itineraries based on traveler’s needs and requests. We offer efficient travel throughout the country with new vehicles, licensed guides and great rates on hotels and airlines.

++502 7832-5821 | ++502 7832-2046 4a Calle Oriente #39 La Antigua Guatemala [email protected]

Antigua Tours Main Office – 5a Avenida Norte 4A inside Casa del Conde, Antigua Guatemala. | [email protected]

About Antigua Guatemala

Antigua is a remarkable city! When I moved here in 1969, we had three hotels and four restaurants. It seemed very much abandoned much like after the capital was moved to Guatemala City in 1773. Not at all the case today! Through our restoration effects over the years, everyone has created a magical city. Many of its ruined churches and convents have been restored and are now venues for weddings and events. We have a full array of restaurants, hotels, B&Bs, art galleries and cultural centers. The number of local committees have played a fabulous role in creating the city today – including recent aid efforts for different projects.

I have enjoyed researching the city to bring it to life. Receiving the Gold “Diego de Porres” Award – the highest award offered in Antigua by the Guatemala government/National Council for the Protection of Antigua Guatemala for “more than 42 years of tireless efforts in preserving the city and promoting more understanding of its heritage” (2010) was extremely special for me. We know so much more about its culture and can bring it to life today! My background in Cultural History and Historic Preservation are fine-tuned for this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Antigua Tours – through our wedding team led by Julio Aceituno – was instrumental in placing Guatemala as #1 in the Top Ten Destination Wedding locations in the World in December 2017 at We are delighted to have weddings/events bring so many jobs to talented locals in so many areas! Guatemalans are truly creative in their crafts whether its decorations, food, flowers, textiles, rum, jade carving or music. We all offer sincere hospitality!

Learning more about this incredible city is also my passion. My Cultural Walking Tours are full of new information from my research and hands-on projects that enrich us today. There is always something new to experience in town and we look forward to seeing you in Antigua soon! I will be bringing new information to you through this blog as we unearth more details through lectures, excavations, books and experiences.

Elizabeth Bell, an expert in the cultural history of the UNESCO site of Antigua Guatemala, opened Antigua Tours in 1992 and loves touring participants around this magical city. Author of seven books, countless articles and award winning for her preservation efforts, Elizabeth brings to life special details through this blog.

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