Antigua Tours by Elizabeth Bell

Antigua Tours LLC has specialized in Cultural Tourism in Guatemala since 1992. We offer personalized itineraries based on traveler’s needs and requests. We offer efficient travel throughout the country with new vehicles, licensed guides and great rates on hotels and airlines.

++502 7832-5821 | ++502 7832-2046 4a Calle Oriente #39 La Antigua Guatemala [email protected]

Antigua Tours Main Office – 5a Avenida Norte 4A inside Casa del Conde, Antigua Guatemala. | in**@an**********.net

Guatemalan Traditional Candies

Traditional Guatemalan candies for Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in Guatemala as “Día del Cariño” affording gifts to loved ones of all generations! Dulce Típicos are a favorite along with flowers and chocolate. We have a wide variety of traditional candies made from delicious recipes that go back centuries. Many of the original recipes came from Spain when Christopher Columbus landed on the island of Hispaniola in 1493, sugar appeared in the New World and was cultivated in Guatemala in the 1550s. Today these recipes have taken their own form with local fruits and vegetables native to the region.

Favorites include nuégados, cocadas (cononut candies), colochos de guayaba (guava curls), pepitorias (pumpkin seeds), suspiros, paciencias, canillas de leche and the list goes on. With 224 recipes included in Dolores Zelaya de O’Meany’s 1844 cookbook, more than 90 varieties remain popular today.


While visiting Antigua, a visit to doña María Gordillo’s candy store (4a Calle oriente #11) is great fun. Founded in 1872, it has upheld the traditional Guatemalan candy making for more than a century and received the Diego de Porres Award from the Guatemalan government (CNPAG) for their traditional candy-making dedication. Other popular stores include La Casa (7a Calle Oriente #20A) and El Sombrerón (4a Calle Oriente #24).

Enjoy the holidays with traditional Guatemalan candies.

Elizabeth Bell, an expert in the cultural history of the UNESCO site of Antigua Guatemala, opened Antigua Tours in 1992 and loves touring participants around this magical city. Author of seven books, countless articles and award winning for her preservation efforts, Elizabeth brings to life special details through this blog.

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